Saturday, December 26, 2009

drooling XD

Smap's performance at Music Station Super Live last night!!!! *drooling* They were so kakkoiiii in black and white XD Everyone looked genki and happy rindu The more I watch SoKyu performance, the more I love it love Their dancing was just getting smoother and smoother, even Goro-chan XD And Super Star's performance XD I love it when Tsu put his hand on Nakai's shoulder ~ very heart-warming rindu

Well, while enjoying the performance I couldn't help wondering why these men in their thirties could dance so happily like that XD I heard Tokio and Kinki Kids (from JE) stopped dancing when they were 30. But Smap was different :D They seemed to not care about the fact that they were in their thirties. All they did was try their best in everything. Maybe their singing and dancing wasn't the best, but that it got better and better was the most appreciating, right? kenyit

Hurry up and watch Smap's kakkoi performance before the clip is taken down :D


  1. I like SMAP's perf (though I dont' really like this song.) ShinTaku have couple clothes, don't they? 8->
    And once more thing, I don't like Captain's hair style. >"<

  2. yes, they do XD ShinTaku rabu rabu XD well, I don't really like SoKyu either *grinning* I love the intro but somehow the song sounds a bit boring for me XD But, Jesus, the choreography just mesmerized me =D

  3. ah, Captain's hairstyle ...well it was weird but I'm okay with it XD He still looked so kakkoii to me *droooool*
